Well today is the 20th Anniversary of World Water Day. An idea formed from a UN Environmental conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. Over the years there have been various different themes...
View ArticleHow much water is used to produce….
After last week’s blog about water shortages around the world. I got a lot of feedback asking about how much water it takes to make other items we use every day so below are a few more facts and...
Here at SaveWaterSaveMoney.co.uk we’re continuously shouting from the roof tops about water efficiency and using water effectively. We’ve always found saving water to be fun but are aware that this...
View ArticleWhy Wet Wipes are Wreaking havoc on Sewers
This week I thought I’d talk to you about a new trend spreading across the UK. Using wet wipes in addition to, or even instead of, toilet paper has caused a heated debate, many blocked sewers and...
View ArticleWise Watering Tips to make your Garden Bloom!
Summer is here and that means more time in the garden but not necessarily more time out watering plants. The sun has been out shining this week so we thought it was the perfect opportunity to remind...
View ArticleImages of Wonderful Water
SOME OF OUR FAVOURITE PICS SO FAR: We’re now two weeks into our ‘Wonderful Water’ photo competition, an amateur photography competition designed to raise awareness for the Gorilla Organization who work...
View ArticleTop 5 Tips for Taking the Perfect Water Photo
With the wonderful water photography competition in full swing we have had some absolutely stunning images…. and some not so great ones as well (you know who you are!!) So we asked Amy Squibb, Editor...
View ArticleTop Tips for tackling limescale
Introduction If you have unsightly marks on your shower and your kettle is furry rather than shiny, you have limescale. The curse of the hard water area, it can seriously mess up your pipes and cost...
View ArticleWorld Environment Day 2014 – Wonderful Water around the World
Photos to make you think about the importance of water “Planet Earth is our shared island, let us join forces to protect it.” - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon World Environment Day is the United...
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